Contact us / Mailing ListYour Name Your Email *Mailing List Ensure the check-box is ticked to join our mailing-listJoinAuditions Tick the box if you are over 55 and are interested in auditioning for the Company. Please state if you have previous dance experience and if so, give a brief description. Auditions take place twice a year in the summer and autumn terms.AuditionMessage * There is a three-month probationary period during which dancers can decide whether Sage DC is right for them and vice versa. Probationary members and current members pay a subscription fee termly in advance. Please note that support is available in terms of subsidised fees and/or fees spread over a period should it be needed. Please feel free to leave any comments about performances you have attended. VerificationPlease enter any two digits *Example: 12This box is for spam protection - <strong>please leave it blank</strong>: